Sunday, March 1, 2009

What Women Want From Men

It would be a major mistake to think that all women are alike. They are as different as men are. However, just as men have similarities, so do women. All women wan similar things. Here's a little acronym for you to memorize that will help you keep track of those things.


It stands for:

Security is something that women absolutely must have or they can't relax. They may go about finding things that make them secure in different ways but all you have to do is watch what they try to accomplish when they're feeling unsafe. You can easily help her achieve that security once you know what her particular security needs are.

Laughter. If you can make a woman laugh you have her halfway in the bed. Laughter makes people feel happy, relaxed, and energetic. If you make her laugh she'll associate you with goodness and fun.

Affection is the nonsexual touching that women crave. You must be sure to keep these kinds of touches to nonsexual. Frequent sexual touching is equated to grabbing. Rubbing her shoulders, cuddling on the couch, touching her arm, holding her hands, things of this nature will ease her toward a more intimate attitude but it brings her along in a way that she's very appreciative.

Romance is the doorway to a woman's heart. Open her heart and she'll open up to whatever you want. Romance is nothing more than putting your feelings toward her into actions. When you express your feelings through your words she'll absolutely melt into your arms. Women are verbally driven and your words are your power. You may feel like it's a lot of stupid mushiness but it's poetry, romance, and love to her.

Sex is probably your ultimate goal. Make no mistake about it. It's her ultimate goal as well. The way to get there is to practice all the things listed above in such a way that she signals you that it's working. Make her pleasure your goal and she'll make your pleasure her goal.

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