Monday, August 24, 2009

Top 10 Dating Tips

Dating Tips and Advice for Singles

Whether you are new to the dating scene, are reentering the dating scene, or are a serial dater, you can use dating tips and advice. No one is a dating expert – even the most beautiful and wealthy people all struggle with matters of the heart. Everyone can learn something about how to date more, how to attract the types of people we want to attract, and how to make sure initial chemistry blooms into an enduring relationship.

The truth is, there are no magic formulas, no fail-proof tricks, no cunning ways of trapping Mr. or Miss Right. There are however some essential facts that you should always bear in mind along the way. Dating tips are just that -- tips, not one-size-fits-all guarantees. Different tacks will work for different people. It depends on the situation, who we are, where we are in our lives, etc. However, there are some threads of advice that are fairly universal and can benefit anyone who practices them:

Top 10 Dating Tips

1. Get prepared for dating. If you really want to succeed in the dating game, be ready to commit to dating. Half-heartedness won't work. In fact, it won’t even get you half-way. If you really want to date, put some effort into it. Do some research and think about what you want out of dating. Prepare yourself for the inevitable rejection we all face at some point in dating and commit not to give up.
2. Get your act together. Begin a regime of looking your best. Join a gym, read health magazines, get fit and start a diet. Get your hair cut or styled and begin a new regime of good grooming or beauty treatment. Though it will not find you a date in itself, you will feel a million times more confident about yourself, and others can sense that.
3. Go shopping and treat yourself to new clothes and even a whole new look. Get your image right, one that you can manage and live with, but one that flatters you. Don't try to be someone you’re not, but amplify and accentuate your positives. Throw out those tired jeans, old sweaters or cardigans and spruce yourself up. Your date will appreciate that you demonstrated some effort.
4. Think about what you want to gain from dating and what timeframes you expect. Do you see yourself married within 2 years? If you do, then approach dating accordingly. If you are more laid back and don't take dating too seriously then ask yourself some honest questions about why you are dating and what you hope to achieve. If it is purely sex then ask yourself if you are about to be honest with those you hope to date.
5. Surround yourself with people who will support your dating aims. By following the first four tips you will feel better and be more focused. Don’t sabotage this by sitting around with friends who are negative about love and relationships (often the married ones). Start attending social functions frequented by singles. Sitting alongside couples at dinner parties in suburbia is not necessarily where you need to be right now.
6. Choose those you have a good chance of dating. Be realistic. In other words, your dating is based on the whole package you present as well as just your personality. If you are looking for a glamour girl or boy and want to date someone trendy and gorgeous, great! Just know that others will expect you to be the same.
7. Join clubs, societies, sports events, drama groups -- anything that might help you meet like-minded potential partners. You will not meet people by staying indoors and playing video games – many have tried and failed at this approach.
8. Take time off from dating occasionally if it’s not going well or causing dating fatigue. Recharging your batteries and keeping confidence and optimism levels high is an absolute must. We all hit rough patches, but don’t let your search for love become a death march. Date in phases if necessary.
9. Enjoy dating for what it is, dating. It is meeting people and socializing and spending time in the company of stimulating individuals who may or may not play a bigger part in your life down the road. The fact is, most people have something interesting to offer. While you may not be out on the dating scene looking for new friends, you may well find one or two fabulous people along the way.
10. Never make yourself too available. People like mystery and enigma and the thrill of the chase when dating. As part of keeping up the mystery, do not sleep with your dates early on. The longer a person is made to chase and fall for you within reason, the more likely that love may blossom. (And yes, this goes for both men AND women!) If the chemistry peaks too early, your emotions may never have time to catch up and the relationship will eventually wither away.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Don’t Lie in Your Online Dating Profile

The number of people telling lies in their online dating profiles is astounding - more than 50% according to one survey. Most of the lies revolve around weight, height, and photos. Many people are posting photos that are a year or more old and they show up on their date looking nothing like their photo. Here’s how one guy relates his experience on

When a person lies in their online dating profile, they may lie about other things too. When you go on a date do you like to do so under false pretenses? Of course not! But that’s exactly what is happening in the industry right now and stopping the problem starts with everyone reading this message.

1) Never post a photo more than three months old.

2) Never lie about your weight.

3) Never lie about your height.

Be honest in everything you say and show in your profile. And when you go on a first date, don’t drastically change your appearance (i.e. getting your hair colored or restyled). In fact, since the photos you post shouldn’t be more than a few months old, you should go on a date in one of the outfits shown in your profile photos. Success in online dating begins with removing any old photos or little white lies from your profile so that the person you are going on a date with is who they expected.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hugh Hefner Celebrates 83rd Birthday Sin City Style

Always one to celebrate in style, Hugh Hefner enjoyed a day-long birthday party on Saturday (April 4) at the Palms Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Never one to have trouble juggling relationships, the Playboy mogul, who turns 83 years old on Thursday (April 9), was joined for the early celebration by his past and present girlfriends.
Starting things off by the hotel pool as he relaxed in his signature captain’s hat, Hef was flanked by his current ladies, Crystal Harris, 22, and 19-year-old twin sisters Karissa and Kristina Shannon.

Not much later, the original “Girls Next Door” stars Holly Madison, Bridget Marquardt and Kendra Wilkinson stopped by to join in on the fun.

“I’ve good company. Young people keep me young,” Hef told press on-hand. “I get older but they stay the same.”

After the midday pool session, Hugh and his guests headed inside to prepare for the evening’s festivities - which included dinner at N9NE restaurant followed by a private party at Playboy Club and Moon.

Explaining how she views the collection of former and current boyfriends, Kendra Wilkinson, who was joined by fiance Hank Baskett, said it’s like “friends and family,” adding that Saturday’s festivities were “kind of like a birthday party-slash-anniversary” for her and Hefner.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

How to Choose a Free Online Dating Site

There are many people who are interested in finding a free online dating site, but are in a dilemma. Which site is best for you? Which site should you go sign up for?

This is a valuable question because every site is built for different people and every person would find their 'ideal' home at a different free online dating site. Also, you may know which sites offer dating services, but not know which ones allow you to sign up to their service for free. There are many online dating sites, but by reading on you can and will be able to find the ones which allow you to sign up for free to their online dating site.

Many of the new sites offer free trials, which allow you access to some of the features. If you decide to, you can pay to get a premium or upgraded membership to that site. You can create your profile and post it to the site. You can even put up your photograph along with your profile. After this, most sites will work hard to find you a date or a match. The features of each dating site will allow you to connect with these people by messenger or email.

But, it is always preferable that you go for an online dating site that is offering a free service. Free service is always better when using a new website, which you have not decided upon yet. Also, and unfortunately, some of these new dating sites popping up are frauds. They can take your money for membership and then just disappear. You are not left with any alternative at that point of time because you do not even know to whom the site belongs to or where to go for your money.

If you really value your money go for the free online dating sites, which allow you a trial period. They will provide you a full fledged trial service without the cash. Most of these sites, like eHarmony, will even show you your matches for free. Most of these dating services will offer a paid service on top of their free online dating. This paid service is for a better dating service, but if you find that your purposes are served just by registering for free then why go for paid service?

Just give a word search for the free online dating site over the internet. You can find them all over the net. Also, review sites are a great place to go. You can find out which are the best free online dating sites by seeing what other users, like yourself, have to say about them. If you like the free online dating site they have to offer, you can always register yourself as a premium member.

By Kurt Spelling

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

5 Guy Tendencies You’re Just Gonna Have To Deal With

Men love to argue that women want to ‘change’ them. Ok. But that is irrelevant. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. And even if you could, would you want to be dating that dog?

The simple truth is that there are male tendencies that we just have to tolerate if we’re going to have a man around often enough to get annoyed. Don’t bother denouncing these guy habits. They’re gonna be there whether you see them or not, and whether you accept them or not.

5 Guy Tendencies We’re Just Gonna Have To Deal With

1. Memory.

Ladies, we can sponge up information, particularly conversation details, all we want. This isn’t going to make men better listeners, let alone rememberers. I don’t know the science of how our brains are wired, but I do know that men don’t give a sh*t about 80% of what we give a sh*t about, and they’re not going to go out of their way any time soon to start giving a sh*t. Date plans, anniversaries, your favorite color, that time your mother pissed you off…don’t expect any recollections from men.

2. Flakiness.

Since a lot of guys can’t remember things, (see above), a lot of them are also liable to flake out on you. Should you put up with this one? Eh, I don’t. But be ready. Men will, moreso than women in my opinion, flake out of dates/arrangements with you and you’ll be expected to understand.

3. “You Need Me” Syndrome.

Men love to feel needed. Honestly, who doesn’t? But certain male needs require needing to feel like a…well…MAN. Most men want to pay for your dinner, want to drive, and want to be stronger and bigger than you. If you can’t deal with this, no worries. There are stilly plenty of girly guys out there.

4. The Sexuality of Women.

You’re not going to make a man stop seeing other women sexually, so if you think you can, you might as well quit while you’re ahead. Your man might stop going to strip clubs, looking at porn, or staring at girls’ asses (in front of you), but he’ll still stare behind your back. Men are programmed this way; it’s just one of those things.

5. Money.

Men don’t always value things the way women do. They might want to buy a new fancy car when you would maybe rather put the money toward a house. They might think that spending $100 a weekend at the bar is worth it and you may not. The important thing? It’s not your money. You have to get over this one and leave your concern only for how you spend your own money; not how he spends his.

Millionairmate Review

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Wedding Bells For Bruce Willis and Model Emma Heming

(March 22) - Bruce Willis and his girlfriend have tied the knot at a secret wedding in the Caribbean. Willis and model Emma Heming have been dating since last year, and now PEOPLE reports that the couple have said "I do" at an intimate ceremony at Parrot Cay in Turks & Caicos, where the actor owns a home. The wedding took place on Saturday.
Earlier this week, rumors of a wedding were fueled by reports from various sources. Apparently, Willis's ex-wife Demi Moore and her husband, Ashton Kutcher - close friends of Willis - arrived on the island last Saturday. A local source claims that a block of hotel rooms and private villas were reserved for other friends of Willis.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell Dating since February 1983

After dating for 25 years without exchanging vows, it seemed like there was some magic ingredient holding Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell together. Sadly, the secret sealant has gone. Sources have blamed...

Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis Dating since 1998

Intense, brooding with a nomadic, unsettled edge to his character, Depp still hasn’t married his long-term love Vanessa. Yet, this pair is so suited that we hope they’ll one day make it to the chapel....

Friday, March 20, 2009

Tips on online dating safety

1. Don't post personal information. Wait until you feel comfortable with an individual before telling them things like your phone number or place of work or address.

2. Never give out your bank account details or any other financial information. If you are approached by any member then report them immediately.

3. Don't let anyone pressure you into giving away more information than you want to.

4. Beware of solicitation - watch out for anyone offering financial advice or asking for charitable contributions.

5. Even if you're arranging to meet someone, do not give out any unnecessary personal details such as your home address.

6. If you feel unsure or threatened by someone's behaviour, stop contacting with them immediately. Visit their profiles and use the block button to prevent any further contact.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Recessions change love statistics, too

Divorce numbers fall off but dating is on the rise
By Jennifer Davies Union-Tribune Staff Writer

2:00 a.m. February 14, 2009

Is it true that misery loves company?

Just look at the trends.

Divorce lawyers say business is down. Online dating sites are experiencing double-digit growth.

So in this troubling economy, it appears love really does conquer all, right?

Not exactly.

Struggling couples are are staying together for love and money while singles are looking for romance and half the rent.

“I've had clients joke about how they need a double-income household,” said Lisa Purdum, a matchmaker for It's Just Lunch in San Diego.

While the number of divorce filings has been steady over the past couple of years, local divorce attorneys are seeing slower business. According to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 37 percent of its members said they typically see a decrease divorce cases during national economic downturns.

Steven Bishop, a San Diego divorce attorney for 30 years, said he gets lots of calls for his services but fewer callbacks when they hear his fees.

This downturn, he added, is different from other recent recessions in that a quick rebound is not in sight.

“Nobody has any hope that it's going to get better any time soon,” he said.

The uncertainty causes two distinct reactions in his clients, he said. Some are willing to wait out the downturn in hopes of recouping lost housing equity and other investments. Others simply want to be done.

“It's like, 'I might be going down, but I'm not going down with you,' ” he said.

David Peters, a marriage and family therapist in Mission Valley, said some of his clients don't have that option as the housing meltdown has made it impossible for them to move on.

“I have a number of couples who are upside down on their house, and they just can't get out,” he said. “People are delaying divorce for purely financial reasons.”

Even as the recession complicates some marriages, it's spurring more singles to seek partners.

“These economic times are a big, stressful factor,” said Gian Gonzaga, senior research scientist at, an online dating site. “It pushes people toward relationships.”

Online dating sites such as and have seen business increase dramatically during the downturn. At eHarmony, registrations from September 2008 to January 2009 have increased 20 percent from the same period a year ago.

The worse the economic news, the more people seem to seek out love, Gonzaga said. For instance, on days the Dow dropped by 100 points or more, eHarmony saw an increase in the number of pages people viewed on its site compared with days when the Dow increased by 100 points or more. has found a similar trend. In the fourth quarter, when the Dow plummeted, revenue increased 42 percent from the previous quarter and the number of registrants jumped by 62 percent.

The sites attribute part of the increased interest to the fact that people are staying home to save money and spending more time on their computers. Finding someone online is simply more cost-effective than paying for overpriced drinks at a bar.

Duane Dahl, CEO of, called relationships and online dating “one of those air-and-water categories that is never going to go away.”

But Shoshana Grossbard, an economics professor at San Diego State University, isn't so sure that all those online daters are looking for marriage. She said marriage typically loses its allure during tough economic times. During the early years of the Great Depression, for instance, the number of marriages dropped from 1,233,000 in 1929 to 982,000 in 1932, a 20 percent decline. So far in San Diego County, marriage numbers have remained strong, however, perhaps buoyed in part by a flurry of gay marriages last year.

Grossbard said a tough economy typically undermines the traditional appeal of a marital partnership, in which women are more responsible for running the house and men are more responsible for providing income.

“More women are going to say, 'Why do I need this guy? What is he good for?' ” Grossbard said.

For men, the loss of a job means not only less income but a loss of identity as the provider.

“It can threaten the entire balance,” Peters said.

That was certainly the case for Jeff Brady. The recent transplant to Oceanside said his first relationship in town was doomed because he hadn't landed a job.

“She had a real attitude about it,” he said. “It really affected our relationship.”

Now, Brady, 35, who is a musician and works for a tattoo Web site, said he uses free postings on the Web site Craigslist and goes on dates two or three times a week, sticking to inexpensive encounters like a walk on the beach or a meet-up at a coffee shop.

These days his lack of a traditional job is less of drawback for would-be partners.

“A lot of people are in the same boat,” he said. “They are like, 'My friend got laid off. My mother got laid off.' So everyone can relate in some way,” he said.

Scott Stephens, 39, signed up for It's Just Lunch, a matchmaking service, about a year ago, realizing he needed to get serious about his search for love as the economy worsened.

A sales manager based in Palm Springs, Stephens said he now realizes how important it is to find someone with a college degree and a career.

“I want to have kids, and the only way to do that is with a dual income,” he said.

Grossbard said it is important to remember that many marriages are based on more than love, so when the economy craters, many marriages do as well.

“I believe in love, but we have to accept that the economic expectations will continue to be the basis of a lot of relationships,” she said.

Jennine Estes, a marriage and family therapist in San Diego, is not convinced. Her clients are attempting to fix relationship problems exacerbated by tight funds because they need each other. She points to research that shows how a loved one's touch can help calm a person down.

“It is love that is going to help people through this recession,” Estes said.

Online Dating for Finding Foreign Brides

Internet has allowed people to understand the real concept of dating. Dating in the past was a difficult process to understand and many people failed to understand the real purpose of dating. Matchmaking process has become easier these days and it is quite possible to choose foreign brides as your life partner. Many single men or single women are able to choose their partners of choice by using free dating services from the comfort of their home. In addition, you can find many dating services links that are quite useful in finding mates of your liking. In short, many people worldwide have succeeded in online dating for finding foreign brides.

Online proposals have become the best alternative for many people who are interested in finding foreign brides. A dating directory can provide you a huge listing of profiles of members from different parts of the world. Many online dating websites allow you to post personal ads, photos, and required information in order to find soul mates of your choice. Many websites today prefers to provide love advice tips for building strong relationships in the dating process. Dating articles, tips, personal ads, online personals, and so on can definitely help in the speed dating process. No person in this world is a dating expert, but the examples set by successful people can help you to find a magic formula to become successful.

Do you really want to succeed and dream of getting foreign bride as your life partner? Well, this is really a tough question to answer because the success rate of dating depends on your attitude and commitment. Higher percentage of people fails to succeed because they do not take dating seriously. Looking great, joining a gym, wearing stylish clothes, and so on does not mean that you can achieve success in the dating process. Whether you are Latino origin or whether you believe in astrology is not a significant factor in online dating. The most important factors are your emotions, honesty, attitude, and commitment. Decide first for whom you are looking for and then begin your research in a proper way.

Online dating has become more popular amongst the youngsters around the world. Even the seniors, divorced individuals along with single men and single women have preferred to use free dating services to great effect. The race, age, and caste are not a major issue in online dating. Many Christian singles, seniors, Latino singles, etc in the United States have found online dating tool as the best alternative for finding foreign brides.

Enjoy dating and do not take it seriously in case you fail to achieve success in the first attempt. Try and shape your career first instead of wasting lot of time in online dating. Strong relationships can be easily developed if you have a solid career foundation. Finding foreign brides can be an easy task but the most important job is to maintain healthy relationship for longer period. Understand and judge your partner well enough before making the final decision!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dating for the Over 50

Many of those over the age of 50 actively date. Loss of a spouse or partner due to death or divorce or other life situation is no longer the beginning of many lonely years spent in mourning. Instead, dating for the over 50 crowd is big business.

At one time, dating for seniors was essentially unthought-of. The general consensus “back in the day” was that you found someone to marry and stayed married to them forever. Once they passed away, you were expected to simply live out the rest of your days as a widow or widower. Well, the times have changed.

Divorce can also bring you to a newly single status. The divorce rate today is alarmingly high, but for some people, there just isn’t another option.

Studies have shown that staying single can also put your health at risk. Researchers from the University of Chicago and Duke University have found that the longer a man spends in divorced or widower state:

• The higher his likelihood of developing heart or lung disease or cancer

• The greater his risk of high blood pressures, diabetes, and stroke

• The more difficulties he will have with mobility, such as walking or climbing stairs

Sunday, March 1, 2009

What Women Want From Men

It would be a major mistake to think that all women are alike. They are as different as men are. However, just as men have similarities, so do women. All women wan similar things. Here's a little acronym for you to memorize that will help you keep track of those things.


It stands for:

Security is something that women absolutely must have or they can't relax. They may go about finding things that make them secure in different ways but all you have to do is watch what they try to accomplish when they're feeling unsafe. You can easily help her achieve that security once you know what her particular security needs are.

Laughter. If you can make a woman laugh you have her halfway in the bed. Laughter makes people feel happy, relaxed, and energetic. If you make her laugh she'll associate you with goodness and fun.

Affection is the nonsexual touching that women crave. You must be sure to keep these kinds of touches to nonsexual. Frequent sexual touching is equated to grabbing. Rubbing her shoulders, cuddling on the couch, touching her arm, holding her hands, things of this nature will ease her toward a more intimate attitude but it brings her along in a way that she's very appreciative.

Romance is the doorway to a woman's heart. Open her heart and she'll open up to whatever you want. Romance is nothing more than putting your feelings toward her into actions. When you express your feelings through your words she'll absolutely melt into your arms. Women are verbally driven and your words are your power. You may feel like it's a lot of stupid mushiness but it's poetry, romance, and love to her.

Sex is probably your ultimate goal. Make no mistake about it. It's her ultimate goal as well. The way to get there is to practice all the things listed above in such a way that she signals you that it's working. Make her pleasure your goal and she'll make your pleasure her goal.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Search for Mr. RIGHT

Does Mr. Right exist? Is he out there somewhere? Will I find him?
Mr. Right is a key subject for many women and an inspiration of hope on a daily basis. Yes he may well exist, yes he is probably out there and yes you WILL find him! Of course in all our lives we have goals, aims, ambitions and desires small and large. It is these landmarks and goalposts that keep us positive and busy. It is what makes us human. In recent years the terms Mr. Right and Miss Right have become over used and devalued. Almost as if we have a chart on our wall , an extensive tick list, a resume of specifics that the person in question must submit to get his foot through the door of the "potentials" interview.
Most of us would deny we are that bad and hope that chance will take a hand in bringing Mr. Right to us. Yes we accept that we have a small but insignificant "list" and yes we accept that there are some 'definites' on it which are nonnegotiable, but they are fairly minor. Or are they? The fact of the matter is that as the decades have passed by, we have become far more sophisticated, as humans, as individuals, as lovers and mates. We know how to orgasm, we have a good salary and a nice home and are well educated in the ways of the world. Therefore it is only fair that we seek someone to match, to fit in, to adapt, to accompany, to facilitate. And there lays the issue.
The fact is that Mr. Right also has a tick list, an agenda, only a small one of course, but a list all the same, and he is ticking off your assets as we speak. He wants someone young, someone well educated, someone good looking and in shape. We are indignant, how shallow we cry. Typical man we sigh. Yet are we any better? Look at your list and look very carefully at what or who constitutes your Mr. Right. And then look again. Are you sure first of all that your tick list is achievable? Yes, or are you willing to negotiate? Okay so you are happy with your list. Then what?
Well now, are you willing to go out and get your Mr. Right or are you waiting for him to come to you? Many women tell me they are waiting for Mr. Right. The word "waiting" concerns me. By waiting it means men come to you by chance, perhaps by design and you tick off their assets, your check them out and then cast off anyone who doesn't match your list. Maybe you do, but remember this my friends, Mr. Right is looking for his Miss Right? How much work have you put into being Miss Right or should he accept you as you are and fit in around you? If he did slot in to your life would he really be Mr. Right or an accouterment, an asset, a trinket that you would get bored of?
The thing I am asked by eligible men more than anything these days is, "where have all the nice girls gone". Think about those words carefully. These men are not asking where the doormats went, the punch bags, the housewife slaves. Not at all. No what they are asking is where all the women went who don't have a huge checklist as long as their admittedly muscular arms. Most men simply want someone to love, someone who they can dote on in their own ways and who they can feel special and share with. The problem for them is that they are not finding it because they are constantly under 'resume-pressure'. They are told they must adapt and fit in, they are trying to fulfill their part of the list bargain and then they are faced with the Miss Rights out there.
As a potential Miss Right you owe it to yourself to complete a few tasks. Take a long hard look at your list and ask yourself exactly how flexible you are being. Secondly look at who your Mr. Right is and how truthfully obtainable they are. Thirdly, don't kid yourself about your own potentials but don't compromise on ideals either. Fourthly, bring yourself out into the open and go after your Mr. Right.
Don't play the waiting game because you do not want to spend the rest of your life knowing your Mr. Perfect is married to someone else when he could have been yours. And finally, compromise is the key in reality, for all the things Mr. right must be, try and balance that with attempting to be something your Mr. Right doesn't want to miss.

The Best Dating Sites of 2008


We closed the 2008 Dating Sites Reviews Single's Choice Award poll yesterday (Jan. 12) with a total of 600 votes from the public. This is almost 150 more votes than last year's Single's Choice Awards which ran roughly the same amount of time. I'm glad to see user participation up this year for our most important award. We started the 2008 poll in October, for 2009 we plan to start it in September as we did for 2007. This way we hope to get the Awards Summary finished by the end of the year instead of January like this year.
We did two things different this year. First we included 10 dating sites instead of 8 as with the year before. Second, we are giving the top 3 dating sites an award, Gold for first place, Silver for second and Bronze for third. We decided to do this since there is not a huge percentage difference between first and second place and it also gives an idea to the public what other dating sites singles also consider as a good choice to join.
The Gold 2008 Singles's Choice Award recipient is This is the second year in a row that they are the winner of this award and it is also the second award for them this year as well. also won our Editor's Top Pick - Overall Award. Of the 600 votes received, got 160 votes which is over a quarter of all the votes. Smart advertising, a good designed interface and communication tools makes this site a popular choice for singles everywhere.
The recipient of the Silver Singles's Choice Award for 2007 is eHarmony. This dating site, which is famous for its automated matching system, won the award this year for the Editor's Top Pick - Match System Award. eHarmony has 132 votes which is 22 percent of the total vote and just 4.67 percent less votes than
Finally, the Bronze 2008 Singles's Choice Award recipient is Yahoo! Personals. This is our first award for Yahoo. They had 12.83 percent of the total vote, less than half of what received but 5 percent more than 4th place which received only 7.83 percent of the vote. With the Yahoo name behind this dating service, a well designed service and a new 6 month guarantee this year, makes this online dating site our readers 3rd choice.
This year's standings for the Single's Choice award for all dating sites in the poll are (click the dating site name to read our full review):
Yahoo! Personals