Saturday, May 2, 2009

Don’t Lie in Your Online Dating Profile

The number of people telling lies in their online dating profiles is astounding - more than 50% according to one survey. Most of the lies revolve around weight, height, and photos. Many people are posting photos that are a year or more old and they show up on their date looking nothing like their photo. Here’s how one guy relates his experience on

When a person lies in their online dating profile, they may lie about other things too. When you go on a date do you like to do so under false pretenses? Of course not! But that’s exactly what is happening in the industry right now and stopping the problem starts with everyone reading this message.

1) Never post a photo more than three months old.

2) Never lie about your weight.

3) Never lie about your height.

Be honest in everything you say and show in your profile. And when you go on a first date, don’t drastically change your appearance (i.e. getting your hair colored or restyled). In fact, since the photos you post shouldn’t be more than a few months old, you should go on a date in one of the outfits shown in your profile photos. Success in online dating begins with removing any old photos or little white lies from your profile so that the person you are going on a date with is who they expected.